
The top 5 kills love in a couple

The kills love in the couple

When the routine sets in, certain elements can become embedded between the partners and come to disturb the dynamics of the couple. Here are 5 love kills to avoid!

1. Kill love: Lack of communication

At some point in the relationship, different factors can cause partners to become unable to understand or speak to each other. To avoid entering into this vicious circle, it is essential to know how to communicate your thoughts and manage to put your feelings into words. Better to tell the other what we dislike and annoy us, and encourage him to do the same. Your partner cannot guess your thoughts, so it is best to discuss privately to better understand the source of the « problem » and to resolve it.

2. Love Kills : Poor management of aggression

It’s not rocket science, even if we love each other, we can’t always agree! Couples often have disagreements and exchanges which sometimes become a little lively. However, you have to find the right balance. If we often argue over trifles, it is better to address the real issues. How? ‘Or’ What? By asking questions and defining the problem. Pushing back is no healthier than exploding. We must therefore find the right balance between what can be said on the spot and what deserves to be reworked and deepened. Our anger says a lot about our state of mind. Try to understand her better to avoid this particularly problematic relationship kills in a couple.

3. Love Kills : Different expectations

When you live as a couple, it is normal to make certain concessions. However, one partner may more often feel that they are the one who sacrifices the most. If this impression takes up too much space, you have to show that you exist by verbalizing your dissatisfaction and your needs. For two, the challenge is also to find a certain balance.

4. Love Kills : The stress

Impossible not to be exposed to it. However, if one is stressed at work, and that one brings back this stress at home, this can have a host of negative consequences, both for the partner and the children. We must therefore try to build a small decompression airlock between the office and the house; take a walk, pick up a book, call a friend, make amplettes… to each his own solution to relieve tension! If you have difficulty seeing clearly and you cannot get rid of this stress, do not hesitate to contact our team of sexologists who will give you advice and who will suggest different exercises.

5. Love Kills : Lack of compliments

When we have lived in a relationship for a long time, we sometimes focus on the negative things and we forget to talk about the positive things. We love him… he / she knows it !? Certainly, but how pleasant it is to be reminded of it in words and in gestures! It is important to show your partner the tenderness, esteem and feelings you have towards him or her. Small challenge: give yourself at least one compliment every day or little touches. Smiles guaranteed! Small gifts are a great way to show attention. a sensual massage in oil for example can be a good way to reconcile under the duvet, for this you can usescented massage oil !

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