

This article COUPLE PROBLEMS appeared first on Oohmygode ES

Here are the most common conflicts within a couple, which can be a source of argument.

Relationship problems: The in-laws

The in-laws are often a couple’s first external enemy. Thus, it is important to remain united and to stand up for your man or your wife in the face of criticism from in-laws.

Couple problems: Money

Money is also a source of conflict and creates disagreements. It is therefore necessary to find a balance between the power and the freedom that money represents, and to solve the financial problems together.

Couple problems: Gender

Sexuality can be a source of humiliation, pain and rejection. So you have to decide together what you want to do or not, and remember that sex can not always be of the same quality and intensity. Get closer, have fun, and deepen your intimate relationships by asking the other what he likes and what his fantasies are.

Couple problems: The housework

Household chores are also a source of conflict as they are seldom distributed equitably. The ideal is to work as a team and congratulate your partner.

Couple problems: The arrival of a child

When a couple goes from a duo to a threesome, it sets off a real storm. It is estimated that 70% of women experience a decline in their marital satisfaction, because the arrival of a child causes a profound reorientation of the meaning it gives to their life. It is therefore essential to experience this transformation together and not to move away from each other. The father should not be excluded from the care of the baby, so the mother should know how to delegate. It is also necessary to take time face to face. To find out more you can read our article on sexuality after pregnancy

Couple problems: Lack of trust and communication

Trust and communication are essential elements for a fulfilling relationship. Without them, conflicts tend to be more frequent and jealousy sets in. Forget the idea of ​​rummaging through your spouse’s phone and trust them. If there is a problem, talk about it calmly instead of starting to make movies. We can never say it enough, the key lies in the expression of your feelings, your fears, your joys. Open up to the other and they will open up to you.

Couple problems: The weather

Time flies at a tremendous speed. This is why it is important to take time for the other so as not to move away. We are often caught in our lives, between work, children, shopping, cleaning, and we do not take the time to stop. Simply to live.

You now know more about the main causes of arguments. So try to work on it in order to avoid conflicts. To make the flame last, it is important to reinvent yourself. Even in bed! A small hard lingerie or offering a sex toy to stimulate your partner’s libido can sometimes make all the difference!

This article COUPLE PROBLEMS first appeared on Oohmygode ES.

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