
Some received ideas and prejudices about men.

some received ideas about men

No surprise; sex makes people talk… and sparks a lot of ink. However, it is not because we talk about it in magazines or because certain themes are discussed on television that the information we find there is necessarily true.

It is therefore necessary to take the time to question the information that we receive in matters of sexuality, because received ideas can have a considerable impact on the way in which our sexuality is experienced.

In short, why not take stock of some of them being associated with men?

1. Common ideas: Men always want to make love

Some may have a greater sexual appetite than others. However, men can also be disturbed, stressed, anxious, or simply not wanting to have sex. They are as many affected by their emotions than women, which often influences their libido.

2. Stereotypes : To cum means to cum

Contrary to what one might think, ejaculating is not necessarily synonymous with orgasm. Some men reach orgasm without ejaculating, or even ejaculate without feeling the slightest pleasure.

3. Stereotypes : Men don’t fake

Man gets erection, squirts and cums. This simplification is not reality! Even though it is physiologically « easier » for a woman to fake an orgasm that she cannot reach, a man can also be faced with the same situation. He can therefore come to simulate, in order to gratify or reassure his or her partner. One thing is certain and this, regardless of the sex, a person who simulates orgasm, hides his inability or difficulty in offering himself fully to the other and thereby reveals the need to protect himself or to flee a situation. causing him some stress. After that we must not forget about sexual incompatibility. Sometimes we get bored in bed faking an orgasm to end the hug!

4. Stereotypes : Sexual breakdown is synonymous with lack of desire

One in two men experiences an erection failure one day. This can be caused by significant stress, a feeling of embarrassment or shyness, related to the worries of daily life or even fatigue. A sexual breakdown is therefore not necessarily associated with a lack of desire, as other factors come into play. Unless the concern is medical, you can use a natural aphrodisiac to stimulate an erection.

5. Stereotypes : Men would do without foreplay

False. The man needs attention, caresses and foreplay. It happens of course that these stages are skipped voluntarily, but the preliminaries, which make it possible to stimulate erogenous zones, allow men to take a step back from their sexual performance. Indeed, these little attentions allow you to let go, focusing on the here and now.

6. Stereotypes : Men are not romantic

Some men are more romantic and others less. It’s a question of personality, but also education. Fortunately, nowadays men tend more and more to reveal their sensibilities and are not as macho as they used to be.

7. Stereotypes : Straight men are only attracted to women with perfect bodies

The women straight men see on television or in magazines make men fantasize. At least some men. However, in addition to physical criteria, heterosexual men often look for a witty, elegant woman who has a good sense of humor. Beauty is only one criterion among many others. Many heterosexual men also prefer women who are natural and comfortable in their skin, rather than supermodels from magazines that do not reflect reality. After all, isn’t it attractive to someone who is self-confident? Besides, it is quite possible to make yourself particularly desirable in a small lace set !

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