We live in a world hungry for results. Everything has to be measurable and measured, and we constantly strive to achieve goals. If we don’t reach them, we risk facing anger and disappointment.
For a woman, reaching an orgasm is no exception to this law. Some come more easily or faster than others, but the goal is always the same: reach orgasm at all costs. This is so important that many women admit to faking from time to time. Here are 5 reasons that can make them fake an orgasm.
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Simulate an orgasm: So as not to hurt yourself
There are men who do not care if their partner has reached nirvana. But fortunately, it is not the majority. Because having the guarantee that your partner obtains complete satisfaction is a great source of pride for many. On the other hand, men sometimes think that a woman who is not sexually satisfied will eventually leave. It is therefore very reassuring for them to know that they are able to make her climb the curtains. Women are very intuitive. They therefore feel that their orgasm is almost more important for their partner than for themselves, which prompts them to act out.
Simulate an orgasm: To impress her girlfriends
We know that women are real piplettes and tell each other everything. So when they hear the ole ole stories of their girlfriends recounting their multiple orgasms in great detail, they sometimes feel obligated to embellish reality a bit. To impress the gallery and not to devalue herself, it therefore happens that a woman simulates with her partner, then with her friends. Quite simply so as not to lose face and have something to say.
Simulate an orgasm: So as not to spoil the moment
A sitting of legs in the air sometimes ends with this question: « Was it good? » « . To answer in the negative would not be polite or appropriate. We have just made love, we are in each other’s arms … hard to say that we have not enjoyed while the man falls asleep with a gaping smile. She’s just happy and doesn’t want to spoil the moment. Even though she hasn’t reached orgasm, that’s more than enough for her.
Simulate an orgasm: To control your image
Believe it or not, there are women who pretend out of excess vanity, or lack of self-confidence. Maybe she isn’t comfortable with the way she moans or the expressions on her face when she has sex? Some women prefer to be in control to make sure they look hot in all circumstances! They therefore display their best smile and feign moans to make sure you please you and keep your arousal.
Simulate an orgasm: To « shorten »
Some women may be tempted to fake so as not to waste time. If they feel that the orgasm will not be there, faking becomes an option to make you believe otherwise. In order not to waste time and energy, and rather than try everything to reach orgasm, they prefer to pretend. It may be out of a lack of desire, time, excitement, or simply not to sacrifice their nasty little nap. They don’t come for real, but you will think so, and she will be able to roam about her business again.
Either way, faking an orgasm goes against the principles of honesty and sincerity inherent in any relationship. Of course, in the short term, a woman may want to fake it to avoid a disappointment, or a moment of embarrassment. But in the long run, reaching orgasm may be more difficult, simply because the real problem, the lack of orgasm, is not the focus of the discussions. The best thing to do, as always, is to talk!