
Pregnancy and desire: what is it really?

pregnancy and female desire

One thing is certain, pregnancy is a wonderful experience! But this stage of life is also a time of a thousand and one changes.

Indeed, many couples will see their sexuality change and will have to adapt to it. What is happening with female desire?

Pregnancy and desire: The first trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, fatigue, exhaustion and nausea caused by hormonal changes can inhibit or at least decrease sexual desire in women. As a result, the couple often come to slow down and take a little pose on the sexual relationship side.

Pregnancy and desire: The second trimester

During the 4th, 5th as well as 6th month, the woman overflowing with femininity in her new body, generally feels more fulfilled. She is often much more comfortable with these bodily changes, a factor that heightens the desire for intimacy. In this regard, women with lower sexual desire before pregnancy may observe a change in sexual interest during the second stage of pregnancy. However, it is important to understand that the notion of desire is an element that can vary greatly from one woman to another and that a multitude of factors as numerous as they are varied can influence it.

Pregnancy and desire: The third trimester

The last trimester is the most complex and the most unstable. With the significant body changes and their impacts (shortness of breath, poor digestion, insomnia etc.), intercourse can become much more unpleasant, causing significant discomfort in both partners. The woman is much more concerned and attentive to her body, since she is in the last weeks of her pregnancy. If the desire to maintain a certain intimacy is felt, the couple will nevertheless have to show imagination in terms of sexual positions and above all … keep a sense of humor in order to « work » around this now much larger abdomen!

It is absolutely necessary to avoid positions like the missionary, where the woman receives the weight of the body of the other, directly on her stomach. It is rather preferable to opt for the lateral positions or those requiring a less deep vaginal penetration. During the last stage of pregnancy, female sextoys leading to vaginal penetration are not recommended. Be aware that oral sex and sensual massages are also great alternatives and a great way to discover new pleasures. Pregnancy is a great opportunity for partners to get closer, while exploring all the ways to love each other!

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