As air is our greatest source of energy, it is normal that breathing is directly involved in our sexuality. In front of the computer screen, behind the wheel of the car, we all do it unconsciously; breathe just enough to survive. Results? We become much less sensitive to what surrounds us as well as to ourselves. What’s great about the air? It’s a fuel natural aphrodisiac. So for the love of your sexuality, take a deep breath! Here are a few tips:
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1. Circular breathing:
Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet hip-width apart. Relax your arms and let them rest on either side of your body, palms facing the sky. Take a deep breath through your nose and imagine yourself exhaling air through your navel and tailbone. Press the pelvis against the floor as you breathe in and bring it upwards as you exhale, making sure to always contract your pelvic muscles (between your penis and the anus). Make the air travel through your body, while circulating your thoughts through your mind. Don’t get attached to a single thought.
2. THEbreathing and premature ejaculation:
When arousal increases, breathing usually becomes much faster. During orgasm, we breathe open mouth to store more oxygen and eliminate tension. Changing the way you breathe means working actively to be more aware of your body, focusing on the feeling and of course, on the present moment. Gentlemen, take the time to observe your breaths during sex. It is very likely that your breathing will be very short. Work to synchronize your breaths with the movements of the pelvis during penetration. Controlled breathing acts like a ejaculation retarder.
3. Get in tune with the other
Sit comfortably in front of your partner, mouths and noses very close together. The idea is to breathe in reverse, by making the breath circulate through the whole body, so that it does not stay in the head. Don’t think, feel! In short, when the other inhales, you will breathe out and vice versa. Thus, you inflate your lungs with the breath that has traveled through your partner’s body. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? A very sensual and symbolic little exercise, which increases the level of intimacy in the couple. A good premise before a sensual oil massage.