No more taboos! Adepts of sex several times a week, alone or in a couple, users of sextoys, do not blush, sex has therapeutic virtues now proven !!!
There is no difficulty in admitting that a fulfilling sex life is an essential part of quality of life. Besides, didn’t Anatole France say: « Of all the sexual aberrations, the worst is chastity »
The sexual health is now part of the WHO recommendations. Thus, this new medical prescription is a real hymn to love, which should delight all lovers of cuddles under the duvet.
Researchers and other scientists go so far as to list 6 benefits of having great sex.
Benefit n ° 1: Make love but with heart
And that is what it is all about. No need for scientific studies, even if they are numerous to prove it, to integrate that a sustained sexual activity solicits, like any sport, the heart muscle thereby contributing to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Sex, this physical effort results in an acceleration of the pulse, activates the blood circulation and allows the elimination of toxins contained in the blood. By improving this circulation, sexual activity thus contributes to better irrigate the vital organs, strengthens the immune defenses and contributes to the tone of the heart muscle.
On the other hand, in cases of serious cardiovascular disease, sex might be contraindicated.
Benefit 2: Sex or the anti-breast cancer treatment
In addition, some scientists have shown that regular activity could, in women, have a protective role on the breast. Indeed, the stimulation of the nipples like the orgasm would be at the origin of the release of a hormone, called oxytocin, known to have a beneficial effect for the breast.
Benefit 3: sex, the anti-stress weapon
As Woody Allen says so well, “Sex eases tension. Love provokes them ”. Neuroscientists are unanimous: The more intense the pleasure and the orgasm, the more our brain will secrete a concentrate of endorphins as well as a hormone called « the pleasure molecule ». Indeed, no other activity releases so many neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin which will cause the production of endorphins and accelerate the production of oxytocin, which will mainly contribute to:
Train physical and muscular relaxation;
To provoke a deep feeling of well-being and fullness;
Increase the feeling of self-confidence
Thus, these precious hormones of happiness will have an extremely beneficial effect on morale, some scientists even going so far as to consider that this avalanche of pleasure only explains its importance by the need to encourage the promotion of the species.
Benefit 4: Sex is a natural sleeping pill
Having sex is also a great way to relax. Indeed, who would dare deny that the moments after an orgasm are flooded with fullness? And love has nothing to do with it! Once again, it’s all about chemistry and substances produced by our brains. Indeed, at the time of orgasm, our body releases a whole series of endorphins which have both an analgesic and relaxing effect. So against migraine or sleep disorders, rather than taking a tranquilizer, let your brain secrete it and don’t hesitate to indulge yourself.
Benefit 5: Sex or the secret of youth
In addition to the endorphins secreted by the body at the time of orgasm, the practice of sexual activity will have, among other consequences, the production of two hormones, melatonin and estrogen, which will have an extremely beneficial effect on the body. skin rejuvenation. Effect, these hormones are responsible for the natural production of collagen and the good irrigation of the skin, thus making the epidermis more elastic and therefore more resistant to aging.
Dr David Weeks, researcher at the Royal Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, even affirms, after having carried out a study on 3,500 individuals, that a regular sexual practice (3 times a week), allows to obtain a rejuvenation of near 10 years!
Benefit 6: Your best diet: sex
Finally, some such as the renowned American dietitian, Dr. Friedman, even go so far as to consider that regular sexual activity increases in women the production of a hormone, testosterone, thus helping to burn calories and strengthen development. muscle and to tone some of the muscles in particular the abdominal belt.