
Sex hormones in women and men

female and male sex hormones

Different according to the sex, the sex hormones come “in a boiling” in adolescence. Responsible for reproductive functions, they have more or less importance in our daily life.

Hormonal maturity

It is the secretion of sex hormones involved during adolescence. They are produced by the sexual organs and the brain which ordered their release in the body. Then, they act as a messenger responsible for the transmission of information between cells and regulate certain functions. Responsible for the development of reproductive organs, hormones are also responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

– In women, the progesterone and estrogen are secreted by the ovaries. They are responsible for the development of the villi (pubis, armpits, etc.), the growth of the breasts and the enlargement of the hips. They also influence the development of the skeleton, the cardiovascular system and adipose tissue.

– In humans, we speak of androgens (of which testosterone is the main representative). Hormones are produced by the testes. Testosterone makes hair grow, increases muscle mass and the size of sexual organs, and makes your voice stronger.

Estrogen and progesterone, the sex hormones of fertility

The female sex hormones are secreted in turn, in a cycle that repeats every 28 days. Estrogens are produced during the first half of the cycle: they allow the egg to mature until expulsion, stimulates the production of cervical mucus and a slight dilation of the cervix, to facilitate access to sperm. After ovulation, progesterone prepares the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg, keeps the cervix closed, and ensures the development of the mammary glands. If fertilization does not occur, the hormone level drops suddenly, which involves the destruction of the uterine lace: the rules.

Testosterone, the hormone of virility

Unlike female sex hormones, testosterone is continuously produced by the testes. It is responsible for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and regulates the reproductive functions of men, ensuring the production of sperm. In women, the ovaries also produce testosterone in a small amount. This is why menopause occurs: when hormone levels drop significantly. Testosterone is also the hormone of physical strength. Called the steroid hormone, athletes use it as a doping agent to build muscle mass.

Chemical sex hormones

Sex hormones are produced naturally by the body. But it may happen that we need outside intervention to regulate them satisfactorily. This happens, for example, during menopause, in which chemical or synthetic hormones are used, in order to maintain an ideal level of estrogen and progesterone in women. Altering the level of sex hormones in the blood can also affect reproductive function. This is the mode of action of several contraceptives, in particular the pill. Thus, ovulation can be suspended or even prevent the development of the uterine lining, so that no embryo can be deposited and develop properly.

Sex hormones and mood

Mood swings, fatigue,… All this is due to hormones, in particular female hormones: testosterone being secreted constantly, men do not undergo the changes due to these variations. In addition to its role in reproduction, estrogen is also involved in the development of the central nervous system. Alternating peaks and sudden drops in these hormones influence nervous sensitivity.

Sex hormones and libido

Likewise, sex hormones influence desire, and therefore libido. And again, women are the most affected by hormonal fluctuations. During menopause, as the hormone levels decrease noticeably, this also affects the psychological. There is often a decrease in desire, dryness of the vaginal mucosa and slight atrophy of the vulva. But thanks to hormone replacement therapy, it is now possible to significantly reduce the discomfort.

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