
Is this true or false?

sexuality and prejudice

Sexuality is the subject of much ink! People often have false beliefs, without necessarily knowing it. Despite the existence of adequate tools, reliable sources and increasingly open access to accurate information, many prejudices regarding certain issues still circulate.

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Prejudice is spreading

As received ideas « Propagate » very quickly, it is not always easy to sort things out! To come to live a sexuality healthy, responsible and fulfilling, it is important to restore certain truths and to clean up our ideas.

Then, True or false ? Take a few moments to respond to these statements:

1. If you don’t get pregnant after trying for five months, you or your partner are infertile.

2. Most people are best in bed when they’ve been drinking.

3. Erectile dysfunctions are obviously mostly related to sexuality.

4. Most drugs have little or no sexual side effects.

5. It is not recommended to have sex after the third month of pregnancy.

6. Most doctors know what they need to know about sex.

7. Almost all dysfunctions can be traced back to trauma such as rape, abuse or emotional deprivation in childhood.

8. Abortion often leads to depression

9. Most men with a lack of desire have testosterone deficiency.

10. The sextoys for men are only for gays

In fact, there is only one correct answer to all of these statements: FALSE ! Did you get it right? What’s your score?

In short, it is therefore essential to always take the time to question the information we receive and to question the facts to which we are exposed in matters of sexuality.

Beware of preconceived ideas! Why not learn more about the ones you answered true to by getting a guide or manual?

Source: KLEIN, M. (2012); Develop your sexual IQ; for a sexuality without complexes, Montreal: Éditions de l’Homme, 268 p.

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