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Discover the many virtues of couple massage

discover the virtues of massage

Moment of simple relaxation, romantic prelude or therapeutic exercise, the practice of massage responds in turn to each of these expectations. But beyond these physical or mental aspects, massage, within the couple, is a relational art and a unique sensory experience.

Learn more about the virtues of massage

There is no longer any need to demonstrate the benefits provided by the practice of massage such as stress relief and relaxation, improving blood circulation without forgetting the production of endorphins, which are none other than the pleasure hormones that contribute thus to make this experience a pure moment of relaxation. Many people have understood this, hence the proliferation of massage oils which help to accentuate this experience of touch and which reinforce the virtues of massage.

But within the couple, the massage aims much more the mental than the physical one. It is a bodily dialogue where communication takes place through touch. In the greatest intimacy, the « massé » surrenders in total confidence to the other handing over his body but also his mind, thus benefiting from all the virtues of massage. Likewise, the “masseur”, in his act of love lavishes “free” caresses, the outcome of which is not necessarily the sexual relation but above all the pleasure of the other by a complete and complete relaxation. The masseur thus benefits from the virtues of massage. Massage is far from a one-sided experience.

Thus, the massage experience is an invitation to take care of the other to bring them to a « letting go » in confidence and self-abandonment, far from taboos and prejudices. This meeting between partners, imbued with sensuality and gentleness is therefore a rapprochement through touch based on sharing and giving of oneself.

The virtues of massage are numerous, so massage can also strengthen the romantic relationship because the feeling of well-being will generate the production of specific hormones such as dopamine or oxytocin which are none other than attachment hormones.

The massage techniques are numerous, but whether it is Tantric, Californian, Swedish, Indian or elsewhere, this experience is only privileged by the bodily dialogue that takes place between the two partners in order to celebrate the love and the pleasure of the ‘to be. No doubt, for those who would like to repeat the experience that the use of massage oils unequivocally contributes to improving the quality of touch and therefore the virtues of massage.

In summary, massage within the couple is an art of loving, a connection to the other, a rich exchange of pleasures whose goal is to reconcile the body, the heart and the spirit for a greater harmony.

For more information on the virtues of massage, visit the site below


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