
3 exercises to improve your sexual performance

sexual exercise

As we get older, it becomes essential to be active in order to stay in shape. That said, a healthy, active and truly fulfilling life is also dependent on good health and well-being, both psychological and physical.

In short, the better we are, the better the sex! And the more you make love, the more you stay in shape, because sex has many health benefits. Here are 3 small exercises to increase the endurance, flexibility and resistance of your body and be in great shape in bed, as elsewhere!

Exercise 1: Scissors

Lie down on a mat with your back on the floor and your knees drawn to your chest. Keeping the right leg folded over the thigh, inhale deeply. Exhale, contract, inhale and stretch your legs towards the ceiling, while pointing your toes. Exhale, stretch and lower the left leg, immobilizing the heel just above the floor. Once again, inhale and bring the leg up as straight as possible. The aim of this exercise is to alternate the legs while doing scissors. This movement strengthens the abs and legs and improves coordination.

Exercise 2: The arrow

A gentle exercise that tones the back and neck muscles. Lie on your stomach with your arms on either side of your body and your palms facing upwards. Join the legs, point the toes and stretch the neck. Breathe in deeply as you draw your chin to your chest while stretching your spine. As you exhale contract the muscles of your genitals (a bit like holding back a pressing urge and tucking your back. At the same time, stretch your fingers towards your feet. Avoid tilting your head back and contracting the muscles of your back. inner thighs keeping feet on the ground.

Exercise 3: The bridge

To practice this exercise, lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet parallel (heels near the buttocks). Extend your arms alongside your body and place your hands on the floor. Exhale and tilt your pelvis back, while pushing the arch of your kidneys into the ground. Concentrate on lifting your back, vertebrae by vertebrae starting with the tailbone. Try to hold this position for 15-30 seconds, or until you are uncomfortable. Then bring the spine back down to the floor in the same way, now starting with the upper back and stretching it fully out.

Saving yourself a few minutes a day to do these exercises allows you to reclaim your body by focusing on the feeling, while giving yourself the necessary conditions to stay in optimal shape. Why not do them together for more motivation?

And to combine the useful with the pleasant, know that some sextoys, such as geisha balls, allow women to (re) muscle and tone the perineum area to multiply the sensations and reach orgasm more easily.

Remember to take advantage of a 10% reduction with the code: ARBRE on our sextoy shop

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