
10 good reasons to have sex with your partner.

The good reasons to make love

Here are 10 good reasons to have sex!

1. Reasons to make love: We feel good

Make love decreases anxiety and frustration, increases feelings and self-esteem, and provides physical, mental and emotional benefits. In addition, having sex improves the quality of sleep.

2. The reasons for making love: We lose weight

Running impulse, deep breathing and the release of endorphins: sex is a real sporting activity. Half an hour of intense heat can burn you as many kilojoules as seven minutes on an exercise bike!

3. The reasons for making love: We live longer

Studies have shown that the more you have sex, the less likely you are to die prematurely. According to a British study, men who reported having at least two orgasms per week were 50% less likely to die from various causes over the next decade than those who reported having orgasms less often.

4. The reasons for making love: We sleep better

To reach orgasm, we have to let go completely, and free ourselves from our anxieties and fears. During orgasm, our body releases hormones that reduce stress levels and promote relaxation and drowsiness.

5. The reasons for making love: We relieve our ailments

We should revisit the old saying « Not tonight, honey, I have a headache! » Indeed, the euphoric powers of endorphins reduce the pain! If you are in pain somewhere, have sex, you will be better!

6. The reasons for making love: We strengthen our immune system

People who have sex often are healthier. Sex increases your body’s immunoglobulin levels, one of the body’s first lines of defense against colds and flu.

7. The reasons for making love: Calm down

Oxytocin is also called the “love drug” because it brings people together. Mothers release this hormone during breastfeeding, which strengthens their emotional bond with their baby. Oxytocin promotes feelings and lessens aggression. In addition, the endorphins, which the body releases during intercourse, have a euphoric effect and provide a real feeling of well-being and relaxation: couples feel more intimately linked.

8. The reasons for making love: We improve our mood

It’s proven, sex improves mood. Indeed, before orgasm, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases, which produces endorphins, the hormones of pleasure. Studies have also shown that people who have little sex are more prone to depression.

9. The reasons for making love: We are rejuvenating

Couples who have sex at least four times a week appear to be over 10 years younger than the average person (who has sex on average twice a week), according to neuropsychology studies. This rejuvenating effect is once again due to reduced stress, better quality of sleep and greater satisfaction.

10.The reasons for making love: We stay attracted

The less sex you have, the less you will want it. And vice versa. Sex makes it possible to remain sensitive to the charms of our partner and to discover each time a better lover. So maybe the key to lasting love is sex!

To spice up your naughty moments, you can use accessories like dildos or even naughty lingerie which will boost your partner’s libido.

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