Becoming a humiliated submissive is quite a common act in the SM community. This can be done through several practices that would take too long to detail. Moreover, these practices are very cerebral, complex to understand and very personal. We are looking for a certain pleasure in order to better learn to discover ourselves, to remember that we are the humiliated submissive of our Master. The place of the submissive is on the ground, licking the feet of her Master, this allows you to exceed your limits and be proud of yourself.
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Submissive humiliated: being his bitch in public
Becoming a humiliated submissive means taking cerebral pleasure from being trampled on, lowered below the ground. There are several humiliation techniques practiced by master and submissive. For example, the Master may well order his humiliated submissive to get on all fours for a walk. In general, the submissive will be much more disturbed by the fact of being completely naked and showing to whoever wants to watch than being at the feet of her Master. When we are on all fours we accept to be lowered, to put ourselves in the position of a slave, or a bitch hot as embers, which the master will use as he sees fit.
At home, it is easier to be a humiliated submissive because no one is there to watch, it is more difficult on the other hand to be on all fours in public and to have me walk on a leash and sm necklace by My Master during our evenings. I can still remember the first humiliation that My Master subjected me to during an SM party.
Before arriving at this party, it was necessary to park in a parking lot and walk a little while in the streets to reach the place. My Master, as soon as we got out of the car, put on my submissive collar and my leave sm. We encountered very few people in the streets that night, and it was easy for me to ignore the heavy looks. I have always been a provocative woman, looks do not bother me in the street, people are moreover much more embarrassed than me in the face of the situation.
Once arrived in front of the place where the evening was taking place, My Master ordered me to put myself at his feet. When he was at the bar or chatting, I always had to be at his feet, never sit apart on the floor.
Personally, I felt good in this humiliated submissive position. I was just me, but people’s eyes could make me feel uncomfortable at the insistence, it’s as if they were discovering a rare species in animals, just awful …
Still, I wasn’t more provocative than that, we were fine in a master and submissive party, these people were supposed to be doing the same thing as me. I revealed myself, on all fours, before the eyes of the whole assembly, my ass arched and my head raised, I kept my pride. As usual, this situation soaked my pussy, I was a humiliated submissive and I showed it to everyone that night, a crazy excitement seized me.
The situation is different when My Master and I are surrounded by people who do not practice BDSM. Sometimes, during our walks, I wear my submissive collar. This is the first thing « good » people notice. On average I see more shocked women than men, men get excited at the sight of the sm necklace. I try to imagine people’s thoughts, women fight to be free so often they give me cold looks that are pretty hard to accept as a submissive.
I could be embarrassed, I’m probably judged, but I get immense excitement and I can’t even explain why. Maybe I’m a provocateur at heart and I like shocking people. It is true that when this happens to me I have a knot in my stomach, but I manage to quickly regain the upper hand thanks to My Master and his protective instinct.
The most exciting moment is when I manage to destabilize men. When they’re eating at a restaurant and their spoon can’t even reach their mouths. Being then obliged to make understand to their companions that it repels them whereas deep down I am sure that they would like to take me violently.
My place of humiliated submissive is at the feet of My Master, it is there that I feel good, I feel myself, to excite the populace. There are of course other ways to become a humiliated submissive. We can cite, for example, the use of a speculum or the wearing of a hood sm. I discovered the use of vaginal speculum with Mon Maitre, and for some time now, we have switched to anal speculum.
Submissive humiliated: my orifices to satisfy My Master
The first time we used a vaginal retractor, I felt a very strong sense of humiliation. I found myself legs apart, open like a simple gaping hole and yet I wet like a bitch. When My Master told me how wet I was, I was even more excited, more and more hot just to hear his words. I would have liked at that moment that a group of horny males masturbate on me until I explode with pleasure. I became fully aware of my position as a humiliated submissive.
Regarding the sm balaclava, I must admit that being very pretty, I wondered what I was going to look like with this sm accessory on my face. I was a humiliated submissive, I was just becoming a simple faceless hole, but still getting huge wet not even knowing what made me wet, I figured it out over time. Thanks to this hood, I turned into a simple little mouth to smash. I had the feeling of being only a mouth serving to do good to his Master. The most complicated thing is to admit that you like it, to be used by your Master like an object, a simple empty balls.
Humiliated submissive: becoming My Master’s urinal
I also learned to become a humiliated submissive when My Master urinated on my body. I became his urine, I was bathing in this yellowish liquid. Sometimes I even want to drink this liquid, to revel in it. However, it would be impossible for me to practice uro with another man. This pleasure is reserved exclusively for My Master
I am very demanding and I look forward to the moment when My Master orders me to open my mouth wide to pour his hot liquid into my mouth. I know this practice is immoral, but I am so excited that ethical issues are taking a back seat. I am a submissive humiliated by his Master, I receive his urine in the mouth, the more he humiliates me the more I wet.
Deep inside, I am a little slut but I am ready to accept whatever comes from My Master, I want everything from him, that his liquid runs down my throat. When the act ends, I’m happy and content to bathe in her urine. I feel that My Master has marked his territory, he shows that I belong to him. When I do that, the values, the morals all disappear, I am a submissive humiliated at the feet of her Master.
Submissive humiliated: the fantasy of the gang bang
It has happened to me several times to imagine myself taken by several men. It makes me want it very much but without the presence of My Master it would not even be possible. These acts and fantasies only become exciting when My Master is present. It is not the act in itself that excites me, it is rather the fact of surpassing myself to please My Master.
To exceed one’s limits is to accept to be a humiliated submissive, to be able to always go further for one’s Master. I imagine myself attached, taken in the chain by several men. Feeling fulfilled by their members, My Master watching the scene with pride. Ending covered and full of their seed.
With My Master I have never had limits, I accept everything permanently. To become a humiliated submissive is to seek a method to always surpass oneself, to show his Master that we are capable of anything for him, and that it gives us immense pleasure to carry out his orders. Humiliation turns into pleasure for me, an immense pleasure to be treated like the good bitch that I am.
When My Master puts me down, I feel a fusion between us which allows me to better accept the situation. I couldn’t be put down like that by someone I didn’t know. It would hurt me psychologically and I don’t even want to. I would only agree to be demeaned by a stranger if the order came directly from My Master. A submissive must learn to surpass herself for her Master.
By putting me down, he wants me to reveal myself, to be myself, to accept my desires as a humiliated submissive.