sexuality guides

natural aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants

What is a sexual stimulant also called an « aphrodisiac » What is its use?

The aphrodisiacs natural are used to increase sexual desire and performance under the duvet. At the time, the utility was not the same as today since natural aphrodisiacs were used to treat infertility problems by improving erection in men. Over time, men began to want to use it in order to hold their erections longer and increase their sexual urges.

The name « aphrodisiac » comes from the name Aphrodite who was the Greek goddess of love. Also known as Venus among the Romans.

What is the Difference Between Natural Aphrodisiacs and Chemical Aphrodisiacs.

The components having aphrodisiac virtues are of two kinds: either they are chemical supplements therefore manufactured from scratch by man, or they are natural supplements that man only transforms so that they are easier to absorb by the body.

In this text I will tell you about natural aphrodisiacs, it can be a food or environmental aphrodisiac. An aphrodisiac product is generally tasted, it will first awaken your taste buds and then the sensation of desire will begin to increase throughout your body.

You can make a dish with a product called natural aphrodisiac. This dish can be composed of one, as of several foods having these aphrodisiac virtues. In this case, it will simply be an aphrodisiac dish.

Know how to classify natural aphrodisiacs:

Classifying aphrodisiacs correctly can be difficult. There are a lot of natural foods with aphrodisiac properties. These foods are different according to cultures, countries and times.

I’ll try to put together a list for you by classifying them correctly:

We saw above that a natural aphrodisiac improves sexual intercourse by promoting erection. Quite often, aphrodisiac foods, if you look closely and use your imagination, closely or remotely resemble the sex of a woman or a man. There are several foods with suggestive shapes:

1) Foods in the shape of a penis:

  • Grains such as wheat and corn
  • Fruits and vegetables such as rhubarb, cucumbers, bananas, asparagus, celery (The vitamins contained in these foods are highlighted because they also serve to increase this aphrodisiac power. Madame de Pompadour asked her maid to prepare dishes based on aphrodisiac foods for louis XV). The food called avocado was also nicknamed by the Aztecs « Testicle » it is not for nothing;).
  • Plants such as the mandrake whose root is reminiscent of the shape of a penis.

2) Foods in the shape of a vagina:

  • Shellfish such as oysters or mussels. We all remember the representation of Aphrodite coming out of a shell in the sea. The oyster has a lot of iodine and this would be the source of its natural aphrodisiac powers. Scientists even speculated that oyster seminal fluid is also a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Fruits such as apricot.

3) Foods with symbolic values: We attribute to ourselves the sexual strength of an animal by consuming its genitals or certain other organs.

  • Examples: Bull, lamb and tiger testicles, but also shark fins, rhinoceros horn powder or elephant tusks.
  • Eggs are also said to be aphrodisiacs because they represent the idea of ​​fertility. It can be noted that caviar is therefore a natural aphrodisiac. Catherine II of Russia would not say the opposite.

Note that some species are endangered in part because of the aphrodisiac properties attributed to them (elephants, rhinos, and certain breeds of sharks)

4) Other foods considered as natural aphrodisiacs: An aphrodisiac can also stimulate and euphoria, I will give you some products that have these recognized as natural aphrodisiacs:

  • Spices such as cumin or cardamom. Cleopatra used the latter, in her palace, to perfume the rooms. Nutmeg, turmeric, cloves, juniper berries, cinnamon but also saffron. These are natural aphrodisiacs that season dishes and will therefore spice up your sexual performance. Moreover, the best known spice for this remains ginger, which has erotic virtues, according to the Chinese, for thousands of years already.

If you do not know which spice to choose, you can also take the curry or a mixture of spices already prepared.

  • Chocolate because it has phenylethylamine also nicknamed « The molecule of love ». Casanova was a true follower of it.
  • Champagne. Alcohol, thanks to its euphoric and disinhibiting effect, can serve as an aphrodisiac, even more so if you add a semblance of bubbles. Be careful not to go overboard because too much alcohol prevents a good erection, so avoid emptying the bottle on your own thinking that this will improve your performance. A great classic is to drink champagne while eating strawberries, you just have to dive back into the movie Pretty Woman :).
  • Ginseng because it is a sexual stimulant that remains active over the long term. This plant grows in Asia and the root takes a rather human form in the end.
  • Chili because it is a tonic product with exciting properties.
  • Vanilla, it is rather sweet and refined, it is used in South America to counter men’s erectile problems. The vanilla scent is considered an aphrodisiac.
  • Royal jelly, highly concentrated in vitamin B5, is the queen’s food.
Effectiveness of natural aphrodisiacs:

There have been no extensive medical studies on this topic.

Natural aphrodisiacs are therefore not officially recognized scientifically. So you have to believe in it yourself above all if you want it to work, and you also have to convince the person for whom you are cooking that the dish is really aphrodisiac.

The fact that the person has given himself body and soul in the realization of the dish is perhaps more aphrodisiac than the food that there is on the plate, it must be admitted.

Eroticism and imagination remain the biggest natural aphrodisiacs we have.

Be careful, I want to point out that some natural aphrodisiacs can be very dangerous, Yohimbine (it is a component of tree bark) having a vasodilator effect, cantharide (powdered fly) because you can suffer from priapism and pain.

Scientists have been looking for a little while at completely unknown products such as spider venom which would have a positive effect on erection.

And tonight, what are we eating?

This question is not simple, we must not focus only on the content of the plate, but we must also take into account the atmosphere of the meal, the choice of decoration, the light that we want. put, the choice of candles, the background music, if there is background music which is the most appropriate, what outfit will be most suitable for this dinner.

The aphrodisiac virtues do not come only to the prepared dish, but rather to the meal as a whole, the fact of having put all his love into it. Also pay attention to the presentation of the dishes, your spouse will notice and appreciate it.

First, start with a small aperitif with a cocktail. For cocktails, I found a very interesting site for you to find examples:

Do not hesitate to help you with recipe books on dishes based on natural aphrodisiacs, there are many on the market.

Doctissimo can also be useful to you concerning the choice of dishes, take the list of aphrodisiac ingredients natural foods such as cucumbers and asparagus with a few spices of your choice and see what good you can cook with it all.

For dessert, the end of the meal you learned the lesson? A dessert with… Chocolate!

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