Couple, Sexuality

5 mistakes to avoid so as not to spoil the fun


To enjoy sex, a couple must be content, but sometimes men make mistakes that women find it hard to forgive.

According to one study, although men sometimes assume their “effectiveness” and “experience” when it comes to sex, women report mistakes that sometimes spoil the moment and the fun:

Mistake n.1: lacking delicacy

The caresses are a fundamental part to initiate sexual intercourse. However, many men are blunt and some even turn into wild beasts at the crucial moment. Also, if you want to focus on the area of breasts, remember that this is a very sensitive place to pleasure and pain. It is better to be a little more delicate, in order to avoid « blocking » the pleasure of your partner.

Mistake # 2: More is less

Men often stress the amount of sex they have with their partner and forget about the quality, when actually that is what really matters. Take into account that not all the fun is due to the penetration, because women have a lot of erogenous zones which can turn them on.

Mistake n.3: exaggeration

A little more brutal practices such as spanking for example will be well received during sex if you have discussed them with your partner before. Avoid overdoing it and fetishes, your partner might not like it when you lick their big toe, for example. Stay sober, or let go completely if you’ve had a chance to discuss your fantasies before jumping into the action.

Mistake # 4: Talking Too Much

Sometimes words are superfluous, and during sex it is better to stay silent. While there are romantic words that can be used, avoid mentioning silly phrases like, “Do you like it? « , » Am I doing it right? « .

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